Monday, November 14, 2011


So, you ask… what kind of things am I doing to make sure cancer freaking HATES me???
Whether your goals are to evade the winter flu, keep cancer cells at bay, or just to seek out the gift of nourishing vitality, here are my top 10 FAVORITE things we can all do to Amp-Up our Immune Systems:

1)      Don’t eat crap.
For real, what we put in our bodies is more intimate than putting on our unders.  Our food literally BECOMES  a part of us.  This time of year, there is so much crap food, EVERYwhere… and I for one, am removing myself from the bodily injury.  We know refined sugar is a poison… and among other things it drastically reduces immune function for at least six hours after consumption.  And processed foods?  The nutrients get processed right OUT.  Just empty calories, with a few harmful additives and preservatives processed right IN.  I have found from my challenging experience, and in learning to deeply love myself, that NOTHING tastes as good as feeling good feels.  And after a lot of transition, I am grateful for taste buds that no longer lead me astray. 

2)      Do your D’s.
For years I have been that chick outside in the middle of the day… running the dog, soaking up the D.  Knowing that there are no significant dietary sources of Vitamin D in food, I’ve always loved getting at least a few hours a week via my daytime runs.  But what I didn’t realize is just how much Vit D we really need to support healthy immune function.  Afterall, for eons the human race has been OUTSIDE, not stuck in houses, cars and offices.  Even though I had been supplementing with Cod Liver Oil-D for several weeks, I got tested.  Between 50 and 100 ng/ml is healthy and optimal.  I was a 32!!!  Definitely deficient. 

You can bet I have amped that up a few notches.  I now take 20,000 IU’s of a quality D3 daily, far from any threshold of toxicity.  Once I reach the desired range, I will likely cut back to maintenance mode of 5-10,0000 IU’s daily.  If you are adverse to supplementing, at least get tested!!!  You, too, may shocked at what you find out.

3)      Hook up with a good Chiro.

Strong immunity begins at our foundation.  Like many, I used to be ultra-skeptical of “back-crackers.” But thankfully, I have since allowed for my heart and mind to open… and to understand how pivotal the nerve supply is in our overall health.  Truth is, it is not natural for human beings to be kinked over on cell phones, hunched at computers, squeezed into cars and airplanes… with sports injuries and life trauma that has altered our basic skeletal foundation.   When we hit the reset button on our nerve supply, allowing for our innate intelligence to flow, we send a flood of immune responses to all our tissues and organs.  You can’t argue the research, and you certainly can’t argue the life-changing results. 

4)      Love the Sleep.
I used to think I was “fine” running on 5 hours or so each night, as long as I caught up on the weekend.  That obviously caught up with me.  There is zero shame in getting a restful night sleep, and in allowing the body to fully repair itself.  I now make sleep a priority, shooting for 7 peaceful hours every night, and an occasional 20 minute cat-nap with my sweet Jo.   

5)      Wake-up and Drink-up.
One of my favorite new habits when I first pop out of bed: a huge glass of filtered water with lemon.  Our bodies worked hard all night to repair and remove toxins, so let’s do our body a favor and flush ‘em out.  Not only is the added lemon super refreshing, it starts the day right by creating an alkaline ash in our blood, contributing to an alkaline environment that cancer (and disease processes in general) totally despise.  

6)      Break the Sweat.
Seek out the endorphins… keep the immune system firing.  Enough said.

7)      Chill the Freak OUT.
In my search for inner Zen, I have fallen deeply in LOVE with deep breathing and yoga.  I have found it is also super important to do things we enjoy EVERY day, whatever that may be.  Life is short afterall, and if you don’t like it… change it!!!  Doing what we love helps relieve tension, and boosts physical and mental resilience.   

8)      Get the Greens.
Bokus of nutrients. Phytochemicals galore.  I look forward to my daily kale or collards via a dark chocolate or fruit smoothie… or deep-green spinach incorporated into my all-time favorite meal: a 20 ingredient salad.  A monthly tray of juiced wheatgrass keeps the chlorophyll reserves on high, and the toxins outa my blood.  Best part, I love the greens.  I crave the greens.  Our body knows what’s best if we allow it to tell us!

9)      Create a Rainbow.

Seek out gorgeous fruit and veg in every color of the rainbow.  Pile em high in baskets and bowls right on your kitchen counter.  I have found the easy access and top-of-mind placement makes fruit and veg my EZ go-to foods...  and they never go bad when we know exactly how ripe and ready-to-eat they are. 

10)   Go Juice.

Drop the energy drinks and hi-caf bevs, pick up a juicer, and discover the raw energy that comes straight from nature.  Come up with juice combinations that rock your world… like my favorite juiced combo: fresh organic carrots juiced with a touch of orange (soooo good!!) 

Whole Lotta Living and GREAT HEALTH to you!!!

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