Why Plants?

How tremendous is the connection that exists between the quality of food we eat and the quality of life we live!
What we put IN our bodies is truly what we get OUT in our level of health and vitality.

Fact is, there are foods that cause and contribute to disease.  There are also foods that stop, and even reverse disease processes, allowing the body to return to its natural state of health.
If this is the lifestyle that allowed me to thrive between each thrashing of chemo, why stop there?? 

In my quest for the best for my family, this is the lifestyle that dominates the rest... AND you'll never feel guilty about asking for seconds!!

What makes up a Whole-Foods Plant-Based Diet?

·         All Veggies, Sprouts and Herbs: organic, raw, cooked and in between

·         Legumes- black beans, garbanzo beans, green peas, lentils, black-eyed peas, etc… soaked and sprouted or cooked
·         Whole Grains- quinoa, wild rice, spelt, millet, sprouted breads… low gluten or gluten free when possible

·         Raw Nuts and Seeds- almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, etc

·         Variety of Fruits- low glycemic preferred…lemons, limes, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.

·         Healthy Fats: olive oil, flax oil, hemp seed oil, cod liver oil, coconut oil

·         Sea Vegetables: kelp, kombu, dulse, nori, wakame

·         Fermented Foods: sauerkraut, kim chi, fermented greens, etc.

·         Nutritional Yeast: on salads and soups (great source of B12)

·         Small amounts of Animal: wild-caught fish, seafood, organic eggs, butter from grass-fed cows, hormone-free goat cheese, goat feta, etc.

Whole Foods:
  • Foods close to their natural state, the way nature prepared them
  • No genetic modifying, processing or refining, all of which deplete food of nutrients and increase harmful chemical additives (no refined sugar, refined flour, white pasta, ) 
  • Choosing foods with a single ingredient or whole-food combination of ingredients
Plant vs. Animal Protein:
  • There is no doubt we consume far too much animal protein in our Western Society, on average much more than we need or that is healthy for our current-day species 
  • Although it is possible to acquire all nutritional elements through a variety of plants, it requires special attention, education and committment. All persons have different needs, so its important we listen closely to our individual bodies.
With a history of ER+ breast cancer, the regular use of the plant-based complete protein of soy is a poor choice for me due to its ability to mimic estrogen.  In the absence of soy, I have learned from experience that my body needs a small amount of unadulterated animal nutrients to sustain my active lifestyle. 

This blogs approach will mirror my Whole-Foods Plant-Based lifestyle, with 90%+ of daily calories from plants, and the remaining from animal sources.  Plants will be the basis for the recipes, with occasional additions of vegetarian-fed organic eggs, wild-caught fish, and hormone-free goat’s cheese, a great choice for cheese lovers as its highly alkaline vs. acidic to the blood.   

·         When prepared well, they taste freaking good

·         Not linked to any major disease

·         Current research shows a diet too high in protein can actually be very harmful to our health.

·         According to an editorial in the Journal of American Medical Association, a plant based diet can prevent up to 90 percent of strokes and approx 97% of heart attacks.

·         Leads to optimum health and energy

·         High in fiber

·         Full of nutrients

·         Women on a plant-based diet tend to have stronger bones and fewer fractures.  Less bone is lost through the aging process.

·         Women on a plant-based diet have less hormonal shifts, resulting in lowered PMS symptoms, lighter periods, and gentler menopause.

·         Research shows people with diets the highest in whole-foods and plant-based foods are the healthiest, with fewer cases of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses.  On the other hand, people who eat the most animal-based foods are likely to suffer from the most chronic diseases.

·        In study after study, eating meat and animal fat has been linked with a high incidence of heart disease, diabetes strokes, cancer and other chronic disease.  These diseases are responsible for millions of deaths each year.

·         Animal based agriculture causes more pollution than all other human and industrial activities combined!

·         For one pound of edible meat from a cow, it needs to be feed 10 pounds of grains.

·         All the nutrients we need to thrive can be found in a variety of plants, including protein, iron and calcium.  Meat is an efficient source for these nutrients, but a variety of plants provides a more effective source, and without the poor quality fats (as found in conventional meats), cholesterol and acid-content.

·         A whole-foods plant-based diet is a welcome and total diversion from the typical North American diet, appropriately named the SAD Diet (Standard American Diet), which is directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancer of the colon, breast, lungs and prostate. It consists of chemically engineered foods that are processed, refined and concentrated… and high in salt, fat, protein and calories, while low in fiber and essential nutrients. 

Why I LOVE Plants:
1)     Uncovering new, rewarding, and colorful food combinations to share with family and those I love

2)     Makes it easy to avoid conventional meat supply which contains more fat, contaminants, and hormones than ever before

3)     No longer bloated and tired after eating

4)     Boundless energy

5)     Clean Digestive Tract

6)     Super manageable periods, minimal PMS symptoms, little to no cramping

7)     No more acid reflux during inverted yoga poses (sad that I used to despise yoga for this reason)

8)     Low uric acid in the body equals no body/ underarm odor, even without deodorant which I no longer use

9)     Eating to LIVE and feeling true vitality

10)   Runner’s high almost every time I run

11)   Eases environmental impact of the meat industry

12)   Makes me more cognizant of the health and well-being of others

13)   Makes me more aware of my mind-body connection

14)   Bokus of plant compost becomes rich garden soil, to begin the cycle all over again

15)   Super economical.  It costs far less to sustain my family on plant-based meals vs. meat-based

Why My once Ultra-Carnivorous Husband LOVES Plants:
Yes, even when I am not around and cooking up plant-based meals, Tommy says he opts for whole-foods plant-based at most opportunities.  Here is his list of whys:
1)     Not lethargic after eating; no longer a need for afternoon tea or coffee to get through the work-day

2)     Has lost 30 pounds, with no problem maintaining ideal weight

3)     Cheaper

4)     Choosing not to eat meat at a given meal forces him to make improved nutritional decisions

5)     Hunger pangs not as powerful- likely due to sustaining lower body weight and more even blood sugar

What we choose to eat, to become a part of us... is more important than most of us ever could have imagined.

Embrace the power of food, and experience how truly satisfying it can be to eat right for your body.... for all aspects of your life.
If you haven't already, consider the transition to a whole-foods plant-based lifestyle! 

Much Love and Cheers to Whole Living!!

Plant Based Diet greatly reduces risk of cancer, say studies http://www.naturalnews.com/005070.html#ixzz1YmdMZM3X
The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health by T. Colin Campbell.
Protein in the Vegan Diet http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/protein.htm
Study Touts power of Plant-based Diet

A Plant-Based Diet is a Healthy Choice

The Effect of a Plant-Based Diet on Plasma Lipids

Study: vegan diets healthier for planet, people than meat diets

Can a Plant-Based Diet Cure Cancer?